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Transformative Reiki


reiki, transformation, reiki in münchen, starseed evolution

Reiki is an energy work technique that uses universal life force energy or chi to activate the body’s self-rejuvenating processes. Connection to and use of the life force energy through Reiki is quite simple and when you understand the underlying principles, you can use Reiki to transform your life and assist in transforming the lives of your loved ones and clients. Reiki is not a religion. It is a technique to help you reconnect with your truest essence and therefore has the ability to unlock your purest, inner power. There are 4 levels of Reiki, beginning with Reiki Level One. You can find out more about each level below.

Everyone has the ability to send and receive Reiki. With my Transformative Reiki training we open up your Reiki channel, you learn techniques to assist you in sending Reiki in person and from a distance as well as begin to cultivate a loving relationship with yourself, your intuition and the Universe. Ever feel lonely or like you don’t belong? This can be a result of looking outside the self. Transformative Reiki helps you to look within and realize your innate inner majesty and perfection. Self-love is a crucial step in becoming an effective energy practitioner. To support your growth you can also do the Reiki training in tandem with the Spiritual Teacher Training.

who can give Reiki, reiki, transformation, reiki in münchen, starseed evolution
benefits of Reiki, Reiki Training, growth, reiki, transformation, reiki in münchen, starseed evolution

Studies have shown that patients receiving Reiki in addition to their medical care experience pain relief, reduction in stress, fear & anxiety levels as well as an overall better quality of well-being. Reiki supports emotional, mental and physical health. You can send Reiki to plants, animals, humans and items.  During the training you also learn techniques for cleansing, protection and rejuvenation to support wellness as well as master manifestation by understanding and making use of the powerful energy centers we all possess. When you understand yourself energetically, you open yourself and your clients up to a myriad of positive experiences and opportunities.

Empowerment comes when we learn to give to ourselves instead of waiting for others to act on our behalf. Each level is taught in combination with another aspect of spiritual teaching which allows for more depth. With the Transformative Reiki training you can learn to help yourself as well as learn professionally how to assist others in activating their inner power, love and wisdom. Transformative Reiki goes beyond just teaching Reiki techniques and helps you to increase your understanding of the Universe and how to work with the Universe to create the life you desire. In addition, you join a community of like-minded and like-hearted people as well as gain access to resources even outside of the classes. Not only do you learn new private and professional skills but you also receive the support to live this knowledge on a daily basis.

Reiki Training, growth, reiki, transformation, reiki in münchen, starseed evolution

The 4 Levels of Reiki

Starseed Evolution courses offer unique opportunities for self-knowledge, self-empowerment & self-actualization.


Change the Game

Energy is power! If you understand your energy, you can use it to create a better life and a better world!

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Learn to look within and to truly indulge in the highest form of love

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